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A children's mobile and tablet alphabet learning application - Prototype. 

For many children today their daily routine involves some 'tablet time' I decided for my final year university project to create a children's' mobile/tablet learning application to help assist them learning the alphabet in a fun A-Zoo is a children’s alphabet learning mobile and tablet application which is based around a day at the Zoo. A-Zoo was also set up with the intention to be used in the class room to help assist teachers see how the children in their class are learning and any areas they may be struggling with. 


A-Zoo has been designed to help young learners enhance their essential skills using the alphabet. A–Zoo integrates digital technology with the physical journey around the zoo but still educational way. o. A-Zoo follows the user on a journey through the zoo, meeting many different animal characters along the way, the animals will help teach the user the letters of the alphabet by focusing on the letter which corresponds to their species e.g. A is for Ant.


A-Zoo aims to appeal to all the different learning styles, visual, auditory and kinaesthetic. Users will be asked to speak, listen and write each letter in order to suit the many learning methods used throughout schools.


A-Zoo aims to enhance the current traditional teaching methods of pen and paper by introducing a digital learning world for younger learners from the outset of their educational journey. A-Zoo enables users to learn about the letters of the alphabet at their own pace; users can revisit the same letter multiple times or continue to the consecutive letter.


More digital technology is being introduced to a younger audience and therefore making the creation of A-Zoo relevant. Children have access to smartphones and tablets enabling them to become much more computer literate from a young age.


A-Zoo was designed for children who are in early primary education who may be learning the alphabet for the first time. Usually, this is children aged 5-7. However, A-Zoo could also be used by children who are slightly older in age but who may struggle with reading and literacy. A-Zoo could enable them for further learning.


A-Zoo has a lot of potential to be integrated into classrooms and used highly as part of the early education programme, not only as a learning tool but also to help create a more digital-friendly environment within the classroom.


A-Zoo also includes puzzles for children to revise the alphabet content they are learning. These puzzles include pairs, colouring In and an alphabet quiz.


A-Zoo was illustrated using Procreate on my iPad. The iPad and iPhone prototypes were created using Flinto. Each individual animal character greets the children. Here they introduce themselves and their corresponding letter using a voice-over clip. Instructing the children to complete the learning programme for each letter by listening, writing and saying each letter before they can progress onto the next letter. Check out the prototype video on Vimeo.

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