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An icon website designed to teach young children the different animals on the farm. 

Farm-Icons is a website designed to make a set of 12 icons interactive and useful to the audience. I began by creating 12 icons to a theme of my choice, I decided to create farm animals. Using this icon set I then had to create a website which would give these icons a purpose for the audience. I thought it would be useful to make an educational website designed to teach young children the different animals on the farm. 


This site is aimed at young children aged 2-5 who are beginning their learning journey. The child can click on each animal within the farm scene and from here they will be directed to the appropriate section on the site where they will be introduced to each animal and learn about each animal. 


This website could also be used in the early stages of school to enable a teacher to help their class learn about the animals on the farm. The icons from this site are also available to be downloaded should the teacher want to use them as handouts etc. 


The Farm-Icon website can be viewed here. 

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